163 Taproom in Lake George, urges: Take free meals!, via customer donors

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Steph Kocher at 163 Taproom, located on Canada Street in Lake George Village, called to ask that The Chronicle help her urge people to come take her restaurant up on its free meals program “for anyone who needs.”

Owner Steph Kocher at 163 Tap Room in Lake George. Photo provided

Ms. Kocher explained: Taproom customers are invited to donate $10 to purchase a meal to be received by someone in need. “I put a paper up on the window for each one, with the name of the donor on it, or ‘anonymous’ if they want.

“Anyone who needs can come in and take one of those sheets for a meal. That’s for anything on the menu, even the shrimp, no matter the cost. Even if it’s something over $10, I don’t care. If you need, just call and order.”

“No questions,” she says. “If you need four for your whole family, if you come back every day. If you need, we want to help. There are so many people out of work.”

Ms. Kocher said that initially there were more free meals available than redeemed.

She said her biggest challenge was getting folks to accept her offer. After a slow start, she reports they have given away about 60 meals so far with the program — and have about 20 still available.

“There is a big desire to donate. I had to stop taking the donations until we use some more up. I’ll probably take more donations after this weekend.”

Ms. Kocher said, “I am lucky because I can be open. I’m a bridge to help people, from those not affected by the coronavirus to those who are.”

163 Taproom is also open for regular takeout, Ms. Kocher said, when asked. “We are here seven days a week.”

Copyright © 2020 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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