27 acres at SGF Exit 17 sells for $1.6-million

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

Munter Enterprises, a construction company in Middle Grove in Saratoga County, bought 26.7 acres next to northbound Exit 17 in Moreau for $1.6-million on Dec. 12.

“We bought it as a long-term investment,” John Munter said when contacted for comment. “We have been looking at it for a while, and we felt the time was right. We know we can do something with it….

“We have no immediate plans. We are hoping the sewer line extension that is being proposed again will occur, which could take several years. But we will wait it out and try to attract some businesses who are looking for direct access to Route 9 and the Northway.”

Sewer pursuit

The Town of Moreau set a public hearing for Dec. 20 on a new $23-million proposal to bring sewer to Exit 17 and down some side streets off Bluebird Road.

A previous mandatory sewer district proposal lost in a public referendum in April 2014.

The land Munter purchased is commercially zoned. Mr. Munter said there would be “a lot more opportunity should sewers be put in to Exit 17. If that happens, we would try to generate interest from large grocery stores and national drug store chains, and also large outdoor retail store.”

“It’s a big parcel,” Mr. Munter said. “We could put a combination of some pretty interesting businesses who want frontage on the Northway and Route 9.”

Cabela’s/Bass Shop idea evaporated

Previously there was talk of a Cabela’s or Bass Pro Shops in Moreau in a proposed $120-million project that never happened.

Mr. Munter said he hasn’t talked to any Town of Moreau officials since the purchase. “We just closed last Monday,” he said, but that “we’ve been paying attention to the sewer scenario for several years now.”

Asked if he’s talked to any large retail chains about putting a store there, Mr. Munter declined comment.

He said if the sewer line extension isn’t approved, “we would have to seek different types of businesses that would be of a lot less interest to the public…service-type businesses like a small trucking company or service-type company that needs access to the Northway.

“The employment potential for the parcel is a lot greater if sewers are put in.”

Site of Exit 17 Golf

Munter’s purchase comprises six parcels. James J. Grande owned most of the land, with a small portion owned by Nancy Ravena, who operated the Exit 17 Golf driving range and miniature golf course.

Contacted for comment, Ms. Ravena of Exit 17 Golf said, “It was time for us after 24 years in business, although I will really miss all of our customers.”

Mr. Munter said they’ll “most likely try to lease” the driving range. “We’re not going to operate it.”

Mr. Munter and his brother Mike are second-generation owners of Munter Enterprises, which does “commercial and industrial construction.”

Munter also built Rocksport’s expanded rock-climbing facility on Carey Road in Queensbury.

The Albany Business Review said that Munter Enterprises has sold land in the Grande Industrial Park in Saratoga to three chemical companies, the Saratoga Eagle beer distributorship and the Capital District Transportation Authority.

Copyright © 2016 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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