4 seek 2 trustee spots: Rockwell Falls Library Board, Luzerne

On May 16 voters will elect two trustees to three-year terms on the five-person board that oversees Rockwell Falls Public Library. The vote takes place as a separate part of the Hadley-Luzerne Central School District’s annual budget vote.

The library and the upcoming vote have drawn increased interest in the wake of the library’s scheduling and cancellation last month of a Drag Queen Story Hour.

The Chronicle offered the four candidates the chance to submit basic information, a photo and responses of up to 75 words to two questions we posed.

Jade Eddy

Age: 38
Occupation: Business owner
Town: Lake Luzerne

Why I’m running: I am running because I believe in every American’s constitutional right to fair and equal access to the resources and educational opportunities a library offers to community members. Public libraries offer a particular benefit to small towns due to our limited access to home internet still being an issue, and I feel it’s vital to protect such a necessary resource.

Thoughts on Library’s proposed Drag Queen Story Hour: For the sake of research, I reached out to the performer scheduled for this event and learned he is a very bright and successful young man. It saddens me he was treated so poorly without folks bothering to know a thing about him. I see this as a learning opportunity for people to be more loving and accepting of those that are different than themselves. Diversity is what makes this world of ours beautiful.

Josh Jacquard

Age: 34. Photo: None submitted
Occupation: Salesman
Town: Lake Luzerne

Why I’m running: My candidacy has four main objectives: (1) Keeping our children safe from sexualization and a push toward gender fluidity while at the library. (2) Preventing the library from attempting to change our values by “educating” us and instead see that the library focuses on serving our community. (3) Holding the library director accountable. (4) Requiring accountability as it relates to annual tax payer funding, especially considering that the funding more than doubled four years ago.

Thoughts on Library’s proposed Drag Queen Story Hour: Holding drag queen story hour is inappropriate and an abuse of tax payer dollars. The library director acted irresponsibly by allowing the planning of this event which would target children. The director then acted dishonestly by intentionally holding back the promotion of this event until a week before it was to be held. Clearly her intention for doing this was to limit public reaction. (See her comments in 4/20/23 GF Chronicle article.)

Robin Cammarata

Age: 53
Occupation: Teacher K-6
Town: Hadley

Why I’m running: I am running for a seat on the library board to help my library continue to provide a public safe space for everyone. The library is a vessel of information, programs, and services, and this vessel is vital to keeping our community connected. Our common goal should be working together to continue providing a variety of services and books for everyone and the freedom to choose which books are appropriate for one self.

Thoughts on Library’s proposed Drag Queen Story Hour: Story time programs, of any age group, are interactive experiences expressed through talking, reading, writing, singing, and play. Children are encouraged to attend if they so choose to learn, interact, and ultimately have FUN through books. By providing these opportunities you give children who may have personal and life issues a public safe space to be accepted and to feel they are valid. This story time simple message was inclusivity and any differences make us beautiful.

Kathleen M. Jones

Age: “Ageless” Photo: None submitted
Occupation: School Teacher
Town: Hadley

Why I’m running: The Hadley-Luzerne area sorely lacks an inclusive, cultural space — a space where everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc,. can feel welcome and valued. I would like to see more cultural events that promote this mindset. I would also like to further the collaboration between the HLCS library and the Rockwell Falls Public Library in an effort to increase the literacy rate within the school district.

Thoughts on Library’s proposed Drag Queen Story Hour: If you do not like it, don’t go — plain and simple.

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