Tuesday, March 11, 2025

‘School of Rock’ in LG & NYC only

See it here in Lake George, or on Broadway — and nowhere else. Youtheatre director Mickey Luce scored the only rights so far to perform the current Broadway musical School of Rock, based on the Jack Black movie. These kids will provide feedback as School of Rock prepares for licensing for community productions. See it on stage at Lake George High School, July 27 to 29.

Musical School of Rock! in LG, & ‘Heights’ too

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Youtheatre continues its 38th season with ‘In the Heights,’ the first Tony winner by Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, today, Thursday, July 21, at 1 p.m. and tomorrow, Friday, July 22, at 9:30 a.m. at Lake George High School.

Yes, afternoon and morning.

The hits continue with Broadway’s new musical version of ‘School of Rock’ — the only production anywhere in the world other than New York City — Wednesday and Thursday, July 27 and 28, at 1 p.m. and Friday, July 29, at 9:30 a.m.

In the casts: approximately 50 area students, ages 11 to 18, directed by Mickey Luce. Tix: $10. Call: 793-3521.

Student Megan Stacey’s take

Megan Stacey, a who graduated this year from Bolton High School, is the student director of School of Rock. She had this to say about the show:

“School of Rock has always been one of my favorite movies, and favorite stories. We are so lucky to have the opportunity to perform this show that is currently on Broadway, and to be one of the first youth companies to get to do it.

Youtheatre ‘Rocks’ it. Chronicle photo/Cathy DeDe
Youtheatre ‘Rocks’ it. Chronicle photo/Cathy DeDe

“The original film really discusses a sort of salvation of Dewey Finn through music, in such a fun and innovative way. This show uses that same fun and creativity, but in relation to the kids, and that’s what I think makes it such a dynamite show.

“The focus is almost entirely on the children, and how music gives them the confidence to be strong independent individuals.

“Youtheatre acts as a ‘School of Rock’ for these younger cast members, as the kids are given the opportunity to gain confidence to be brave, strong and independent, all thanks to the power of music and performance.

“And, the children we have in our company are absolute firecrackers. I have never been more blown away by the multi-faceted talent of a group of middle school-age children. They are directly on the level of talent and excellence as the juniors or seniors in the company, and I have learned so much from working alongside them.

“The kids put on not only a performance filled with talent, but a performance filled with sass, fun and rock. It would be a shame for anyone to miss it.”

Copyright © 2016 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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