Wednesday, July 3, 2024

LG Village nabs $1-million in parking meter revenue, a first

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Terming it “the busiest summer Lake George has ever had,” Village Mayor Bob Blais told The Chronicle, “The Village will break $1 million in parking meter returns this year, for the first time in history.” He said it’s about $600,000 more in parking fees collected through the end of August, than in prior years.

Parking rates increased from $1 to $2 per hour at about 56 percent of the Village meters, the Mayor said.

“So, we expected returns to go up about 75%. But it was up 110%.”

He said a parking lot on James Street, where meter rates were not raised still saw revenues jump 90%.

What will they do with the windfall?

“We’ll put much of it toward debt service for construction of the wastewater treatment plant,” Mayor Blais says.

“But that’s not all of it. Taxpayers can look for the next couple years of perhaps no increase, or an increase in services.”

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