Wednesday, July 3, 2024

City Park stabbing under investigation; ‘no public danger’

Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: A stabbing on Tuesday afternoon, June 25, in City Park is still under investigation, Glens Falls Chief of Police Jarred Smith replied by e-mail to a Chronicle inquiry.

“The victim suffered a laceration to the leg, was then treated at the hospital and released,” Chief Smith wrote.

“This was an isolated incident among acquaintances and there is no danger to the public at this time,” Chief Smith wrote. Time of the call was 3:15 p.m.

A reader alerted The Chronicle that around 3 p.m. on Tuesday, “I heard a girl screaming in front of the library, horrendous screaming and yelling that she had been stabbed.

“She kept saying it over and over again, (while) there’s another girl on the ground with her, another one standing up. The police were there in seconds.”

Chief Smith said, “A press release will be sent out once arrest(s) are made.”

No update was forthcoming as of press time on Monday.

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