Friday, September 27, 2024

Lake George celebrated Charley Wood & Gaslight Village

Chronicle editor Mark Frost writes: Lake George proclaimed July 12 Charles R. Wood Day, celebrating the 65th anniversary of his “iconic Gaslight Village, a cherished part of Lake George’s history.” (Finally we can bring you the photos!)

Charley’s two daughters, Bobbie Wages and Charlene Wood, were on hand. A monument with a plaque was unveiled. Bobbie said it was poignant because Charley was cremated and this is the only stone marking Charley’s life.

Charley’s family nickname was Pappy, and announcement was made that “Pappy’s Splashground” will be added to here at Charles Wood Park, where Gaslight Village once thrived. (The splashground will go in the circle behind the poster in photo.)

Layla Zito later told The Chronicle, “I am the lady that submitted the idea for Charles R. Wood Day that you saw at the dedication on Friday July 12, 2024.” Photos by Mark Frost

Charley Wood’s two daughters, Bobbie Wages (left) and Charlene Wood, flank Lake George Village Mayor Ray Perry.
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