Thursday, March 13, 2025

Abe Wing & GF school: 3-year tuition deal with rising rate

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

A new contract between the Glens Falls and Abraham Wing school districts will raise tuition for Abe Wing students to more than $10,000 in 2019-20.

Abe Wing — an independent school with grades kindergarten to sixth in the east end of Glens Falls — currently pays $9,198 annually for each of its 107 students who attend Glens Falls for grades 7-12, said Glens Falls superintendent Paul Jenkins.

The new agreement, which starts next year, calls for annual tuition of $9,451 in 2017-18, $9,725 in 2018-19 and $10,017 in 2019-20.

Mr. Jenkins said the price is “very close” to the rate the state sets for non-resident tuition and “is based on our budget.”

Abe Wing Superintendent John Godfrey said, “Negotiations on both sides were done in a professional, cordial and timely manner. I believe both districts have made it a priority to first meet the needs of the students while being fiscally responsible to the residents. I think this contract achieves that balance.”

Mr. Jenkins said, “We’re all looking for the same thing, and this is an agreement that works for both school districts and will keep the Abe Wing kids here in Glens Falls.”

He called the relationship between the districts “very good. The cost of education goes up every year. John understands that, and I know his board understands that.

“The bottom-line is these are Glens Falls kids. They want to come here, and we want them here.”

Mr. Jenkins said the City School District also provides buses for Abe Wing student field trips, then bills Abe Wing.

As for the idea of merging the two districts, Mr. Jenkins said it never even comes up in their discussions.

“We did a merger study, and Abe Wing residents voted and it failed,” he said. “Our direction moving forward is continuing the relationship.”

Mr. Godfrey said, “I have not heard any discussions about a possible merger since our last study was completed.”

Incidentally, The Chronicle wondered how many Abraham Wing students played on Glens Falls High School’s state championship football team? Mr. Jenkins said his best guess is that just four of the 43 varsity players are Abe Wing alums.

Copyright © 2016 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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