Adirondack Balloon Festival: Thursday to Sunday, Sept. 19-22

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Balloons & crowds come face to face at this Festival, You don’t have to watch from afar as some Balloon Festivals require. You’re right there, even talking with balloonists and their passengers as they ready. Cathy DeDe
Up to 80 balloons including nine special shapes are expected at the 51st Adirondack Hot Air Balloon Festival, Thursday to Sunday, Sept. 19 to 22.

Thursday at Crandall Park

Again this year, all Thursday activities take place at locals-friendly Crandall Park. No downtown festival or car show.
Plans include the first launch of 20-plus balloons, possibly some special shapes, opening ceremonies, food vendors and kids’ activities, live music by Jonathan Newell Band and the New York Players, after-dark mini moonglow and first sales of Balloon Fest merchandise.

Friday-Sunday at airport

The Balloon Festival continues at Warren County’s Floyd Bennett Airport in Queensbury Friday, Saturday and Sunday with launches set Friday afternoon, Saturday early morning & late afternoon and Sunday morning.

Balloon Festival daily schedule

Five launches are planned at the 51st annual Adirondack Balloon Festival running Sept. 19-22. Here’s the day by day schedule released by the festival.

Thursday, September 19
Crandall Park, Glens Falls

4-6 PM: Music, Jonathan Newell Band
5 PM: Opening ceremonies, food vendors, kids activities.
5:30-6:15 PM: Flight of up to 20 balloons, special shapes possible
7:30-9:30 p.m. Music, New York Players
7:45 PM (approx.): Balloon Moonglow

Friday, September 20
Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport

3 PM: Gates Open to the public, craft fair hosted by ZONTA with 50+ vendors, kids activities, food vendors open for business
4-6 PM: Music, The E-Block
5-6:15 PM: Flight of up to 70 balloons including special shapes

Saturday, September 21
Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport

5 AM: Food vendors open for business, Craft Fair hosted by ZONTA with 50+ vendors, Kids activities, including bounce houses, crafts, and games
6:30-7:30 AM: Flight of up to 100 Balloons, including special shapes
2-4 PM: Music, Sam Luke Trio
5-7 PM: Music, The RaisinBeats
5-6:15 PM: Flight of up to 50 Balloons, including special shapes. Other balloons stay for moonglow.

Sunday, September 22
(morning only)
Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport

5 AM: Food vendors open for business, Craft Fair hosted by ZONTA with 50+ vendors, Kids activities, including bounce houses and more.
6:30 AM: “Walter’s Mass Ascension,” flight of up to 100 Balloons including special shapes
10 AM: Gates Close

Updates: Balloon Fest Facebook page.

Balloon Festival basics

All balloon activities are wind- and weather permitting. As always, admission is free. No dogs on the field with the balloons. No drones, and no smoking.

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