Billiards cafe, a dream fulfilled

By Ben Westcott, Chronicle Staff Writer

Queensbury Billiards & Café opened at Meadowbrook Plaza on Quaker Road last fall.

Kevin & Neelo Jaikeran, with daughter Hannah, own Queensbury Billiards & Café. Photo provided
“I’ve been playing pool all my life,” says Kevin Jaikeran. “Ever since I was 16 it’s been my dream to have a business like this. Every day I come here I feel like I’m in heaven.”

“I built this entire place on my own,” he said. “All the electric, plumbing, the bar, the kitchen, all of it.”

He and his wife Neelo Jaikeran own it.

Both are originally from the South American nation of Guyana. He left at age 14; she left when she was 10. They met in high school in New York City and later moved from NYC to Schenectady.

Then Mr. Jaikeran got a job at Frontier Communications in Chestertown and moved to Queensbury. He’s also worked in telecommunications for Verizon.

In the 6,500 square foot space that used to house a Dollar General, Queensbury Billiards has 21 pool tables, including 10 pro-size nine-foot tables, nine bar-size seven-footers, and two eight-footers.

There’s a small arcade in the corner, tables and chairs and a bar.

The menu has some unexpected twists, like Caribbean Style Chicken Chow Mein and Caribbean Pepper Shrimp plus staple items like cheeseburgers and chicken tenders. NYC-style chicken and lamb over rice is also served.

“It’s more than just the pool room,” Mrs. Jaikeran said. “Some people come in just for the food.”

Queensbury Billiards has 21 tables, including 10 pro-size nine-foot tables, nine bar-size seven-footers, and two eight-footers. Mrs. Jaikeran adds, “Some people come in just for the food.”
“They come here and have fun,” Mr. Jaikeran said. “We play good music, they play pool, they have a few drinks, they eat food. It’s a place for them to come and spend quality time with their friends and families. That’s what we’re about. That’s the vision that we have.

“I’m hoping that it can be a great thing for the community, because there’s hardly anything to do over here in Queensbury,” he said. “That’s what a lot of these customers tell us.”

“We keep all our tables spic-and-span, everything clean.

“We make sure we keep all the tables up to a professional level. Even if you’re a regular customer coming here that doesn’t know how to play pool, they’re coming here to enjoy a professionally kept table at all times. I’m very keen on that.”

“Pool has been on the slower side for several years, Mr. Jaikeran said, “but now it’s making a comeback. A lot more younger kids are getting into it.”

He said he got into the game as a youngster himself. “After high school I just went to a local pool hall one day, and I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s an addicting game once you get into it.”

He has played competitively and says his proudest accomplishment was winning $5,000 for placing first at a tournament in New York City.

The hourly rate for pool at Queensbury Billiards & Café is $8.75 per person. It’s $15 to play all day. Discounts are offered for military and veterans, seniors, kids 14 and under, and American Poolplayers Association league members.

The business is open Monday through Thursday, noon to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday, noon to 11:30, and Sunday noon to 9. For the summer the Jaikerans say they hope to extend the hours until 1 or 2 a.m. on weekend nights and until 11:30 p.m. on weekdays. The space hosts league play on Wednesdays and Sundays.

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