
Tick alert by Warren County

Warren County Health Services is encouraging residents take precautions to avoid tick bites after already receiving reports of dozens of tick-borne disease cases this spring.

Tick activity picks up annually in the warmer months, as they look for human, canine and other hosts to latch onto.

The County said 2021 saw a nearly four-fold increase in cases of the serious bacterial disease anaplasmosis, which is transmitted in tick bites. The …

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LGA will fight LG Park Commission’s OK of herbicide against milfoil

The Lake George Association came out fighting after the Lake George Park Commission approved on Tuesday use of an herbicide against invasive milfoil.

“This is a sad day for Lake George,” began the LGA press release.

“The Lake George Park Commission has abdicated its responsibility to protect the Queen of American Lakes by voting, by a margin of 6-2, to use a chemical herbicide, ProcellaCOR, in the Lake this spring …

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Sandhill cranes in Hartford

Birder Thomas Ranney e-mailed The Chronicle to let us know that “this morning (Friday, April 22nd) four sandhill cranes flew low over my property in Hartford.”

Mr. Ranney said he heard the birds before he saw them.

“I was not sure what those nighttime sounds were because I did not believe that sandhill cranes could be here.”

He included an iPhone video clip. The sound is distinct and memorable.

“These …

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Zander: Elon’s buying Twitter could make tech more transparent; that’s good

By Zander Frost, Chronicle Staff Writer

Elon Musk agreed to buy Twitter for $44-billion Monday. The Wall Street Journal said it would be “one of the biggest acquisitions in tech history.”

Elon’s promise to restore free speech to Twitter, which he calls the world’s new “town square,” has ignited imagination, debate and panic.

But for me the biggest ramification of this deal would be adding transparency to Twitter’s algorithm.

On …

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Our April 28 front page

Lawn & Garden Issue! GF pursues ‘transport hub’-parking garage on current Elm St. lot. Businesses balk at Mayor’s new Elm Street plan. Glens Falls Wing Fest is Saturday, LGA: We’ll fight. Sandhill cranes in Hartford. Tick alert by Warren County. Let’s Go Brandon store in Moreau. Concerts, comedy, shows… The Chronicle always has the region’s best Arts & Entertainment section!

Click to download front page as a PDF.

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