
Local Ukraine Benefits

GF Symphony seeks $$ for clarinetist & colleagues in Ukraine

The Glens Falls Symphony has set up a Ukraine Musicians Fund on the ticket page of its website,, to help GFSO Second Clarinet player Sergiy Dvornichenko and his musicial colleagues in Ukraine.

Sergiy has been living with his family in Ukraine for much of the pandemic, said the Symphony. Last week they fled to a safe haven, the Symphony …

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Couple buys Tahawus rail line for $3.3-million, aiming to ship military titanium

John and Carol McClean-Wright, New Mexico residents who owned the 1000 Acres dude ranch in Stony Creek from 2016 to 2019, bought the 30-mile rail line from North Creek to Tahawus for $3.3-million in a bankruptcy auction.

The Albany Times-Union reported on March 3 that the couple’s Doc N Duchess Rails LLC “want to ship military-grade titanium ore from an old mine in the area” that they say “they are …

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LG Park Commission seeks septic system inspection every five years

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

The Lake George Park Commission is laying the regulatory groundwork for a rolling septic inspection program that would require private systems around the lake to be checked by Park Commission inspectors every five years.

Dave Wick, Executive Director of the LGPC, said 2,700 properties fall inside the proposed boundaries — within 500 feet of the Lake George shoreline or within 100 feet of streams …

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Nikita in Ukraine

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

Anthony Merrill emailed to say he works at the Fort William Henry. He offered to connect us with Ukranians he worked with there in past summers.

On Monday we spoke via Zoom with Nikita Nakonechny, who said he worked summers for the Fort William Henry in 2014 and 2015.

Mark: How are you?

Nikita: Good as possible for now. You understand, probably.

Mark: How scary …

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In their 20s, investing in real estate

By Zander Frost, Chronicle Staff Writer

Real estate investing is “in” for these two local 20-somethings.

Joey Lufkin, Argyle class of 2013, was 23 when he bought his first apartment property in Utica. “When I was a senior in college [at Hartwick] I lived off campus in Oneonta in a guy’s house and there were six of us and we each paid $3,000 a semester. I started adding up the …

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