
Push quickens to reopen

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

Warren County Administrator Ryan Moore issued a very upbeat assessment Tuesday night about progress being made toward meeting New York State’s criteria to start reopening businesses.

“As of tonight,” Mr. Moore wrote,” Warren County now meets all seven criteria on our own steam.

“This does not mean we can begin our phased re-opening yet.

“We can do so when the Capital Region as a whole …

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DEC: Docks going in at Lake George

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

Camping is still banned because of the COVID emergency, but the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is going ahead with installation of the docks on the public islands and shoreline of Lake George.

“DEC has installed approximately 40% of the docks at sites in each of the three sections — Glen Island, Long Island and Narrow Island — of the Lake George Islands …

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LeRoux boomed at Mother’s Day reopening; plans outdoor seating

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Bistro LeRoux reopened on Mother’s Day, after a coronavirus hiatus, and sold out of 280 dinners, distributed curbside.

“We could have sold 400,” says chef Jacob Guay, who operates the 10-year-old restaurant with his wife Tiffany.

“We just couldn’t handle it in the kitchen. We turned away 150.”

“We’ll be open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 3 to 8 p.m.,” now, he says.

“It’s …

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NYS now allows some golf use of motorized carts

By Sandra Hutchinson, Chronicle Chief Operating Officer

New York State on May 6 issues revised guidelines that now allow for some use of motorized golf carts.

The New York State Club Association sought the clarification.

It reads, “If an individual is seeking a reasonable accommodation in the form of a motorized golf cart and the private operator is permitting individuals who are members of the public access to the course, …

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Carrie Woerner: Start racing at Belmont (then in Saratoga)

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

New York Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner is urging Governor Andrew Cuomo to allow thoroughbred racing to begin at Belmont Park, without fans in the stands, as a prelude to saving the Saratoga racing season due to start on July 16.

“We want to get that started there, in hopes it makes the shift to Saratoga much more feasible,” Ms. Woerner told The Chronicle.

“They have …

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