
Psychologist: Free support groups; advice for patients on medications

By Sandra Hutchinson, Chronicle Chief Operating Officer

Many people on mental health medications are now hesitant to go to a pharmacy to pick up their prescriptions for fear of contracting the coronavirus, said Glens Falls psychologist Dr. Gina Scarano-Osika, who contacted The Chronicle.

She said it can lead to increased depression and anxiety and, in some cases, relapse on substances like alcohol and drugs. Additionally, she says, suddenly stopping some …

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Wear a mask, urges Dr. Leach

By Richard P. Leach, MD, Special to The Chronicle

The question of how to use face masks in the current COVID-19 pandemic has been discussed quite a lot in recent weeks. The advice of experts has gone back-and-forth, confusingly. Things are starting to be a bit clearer now.

First it should be said that the virus that causes COVID-19, called SARS-CoV-2, is flung from an infected person’s throat into the …

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John Strough: End of the handshake?

Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Will the “social distancing” mandated by the coronavirus pandemic cause permanent changes?

“I don’t know if handshakes will ever come back,” says Queensbury Town Supervisor John Strough.

“I’ve always worried about that anyway. In the course of a day, with meetings and everything, I probably shake 100 hands a day.

“I don’t always have time between to wash my hands. So, you shake hands …

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No to garage sales

Chronicle managing editor Cathy DeDe writes: Garage, lawn and tag sales are prohibited under Andrew Cuomo’s coronavirus restrictions against public gatherings.

“It’s a little hard,” says Roger Wickes, the attorney and coronavirus spokesman for the Washington County Board. “The governor makes a proclamation but doesn’t provide us with specifics or means of enforcement.”

So, Mr. Wickes says, with garage sale notices popping up as early as last weekend, the County …

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Warren Co. chief: Apex is coming; it’s crucial to stay home & isolate

By Ryan Moore, Warren County Administrator

If you hear no other message in these unprecedented, worrisome times, hear this.

Like never before in our history, the health of our community is in your hands. You. As a member of this community reading this article. The apex is coming and we must shift our mindsets.

Every person must take responsibility and change your behavior in order to protect the health and …

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