
Dream trip for Lanoir boys; skate with star Jack Hughes

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

It’s been a challenging year for Brodie and Reece Lanoir, as well as for their mom Ann, after their dad Adam Lanoir died suddenly in October 2018 at the age of 42.

Adam, a hockey player from the age of three, played on two state championship teams for Glens Falls High School, and was a coach and good-will ambassador for the Adirondack Youth Hockey …

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Elizabeth Miller starts work at 15-25 Park: 5 apartments, offices, ‘different type tavern’

Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Developer Elizabeth Miller told The Chronicle she is beginning renovation of the three-story, 15,000-square foot building that she purchased from the Lebowitz family earlier this year at 15-25 Park Street across the street from her Park Theater and Doc’s Restaurant.

She said she expects to create five apartments on the top floor, two or three office spaces on the second floor and retail on …

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Finch Paper CEO Deba Mukherjee upbeat update

Editor’s note: The Chronicle interviewed Finch Paper president and CEO Deba Mukherjee, along with Chief Financial Officer Alex Rotolo and vice president of human resources Tracey Riley, on Aug. 20. Finally here’s meaty stuff from that interview.


Finch Paper president and CEO Deba Mukherjee told The Chronicle (in August): “Maybe it’s time to give you an update on us. I’ve been here since 2013, and over the last six …

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Rick Pitino coaches Jimmer in Greece: 15 points per game, ‘very good defense’

Glens Falls native Jimmer Fredette, playing now for Panathinaikos in Greece, where his coach is Rick Pitino, former New York Knicks, Louisville and Kentucky coach whose U.S. career stopped after he was fired for recruiting violations at Louisville.

Fredette is averaging 15 points in 21 minutes through 23 games.

“I am so proud of Jimmer Fredette,” Pitino said following a recent win.

“He’s been knocked all his life about defense …

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Operation Santa’s best year ever: $203,000+

Frank Munoff, co-founder of the local Christmas charity Operation Santa, wrote on Facebook: “Just want to brag a little about this year’s Operation Santa Claus success with many new members on our Board of Directors. With me being laid up, everyone stepped up their game to make this year a record breaking year.

“Don’t have final total yet, but we’re going to surpass last year’s total of $203,000 very …

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