Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: The annual Brant Lake Winter Carnival is a “get out and be active” festival for Adirondackers, says organizer Brandon Himoff.
It’s Saturday, Feb. 15, from noon to dusk, on the ice, outdoors and inside at Jimbo’s on the Point.
Offerings include their famed fry pan toss contests for all ages, human Foosball, Adirondack curling, a vintage sled parade, ice hockey, ice bowling, broom ball, ice skating and a sledding hill.

Featured are the annual outhouse races at 4 p.m., awards ceremony at 5 p.m., and fireworks at dusk.
Mr. Himoff said, “We always want to see more people in town. This is our sixth or seventh year. We’ve had great turnout the last couple of years. The outhouse race is always a really popular event.”
They offer $1,100 in prizes, for the top three finishers and a “judges choice,” he said.
“We are more of a ‘do stuff’ than a ‘watch stuff’ event, Mr. Himoff says. “It’s very homespun, a nice thing about the Brant Lake Winter Carnival. It’s about rolling up your sleeves, a little more participatory, rather than just watching gas-powered events.”
The Winter Carnival is organized by the Tri Lakes Community Alliance — until January of this year, what was the Tri Lakes Business Alliance, Mr. Himoff notes. “It’s a non-profit that was created to do things that bring the community together, inspire community spirit.
They also organize the annual Woof Stock dog festival in June, and a Roaring Twenties themed weekend festival in the fall, among other offerings.
Mr. Himoff said he’d had the idea to come up with “more fun things in the winter, because most of our local community works hard all through the summer. We have more down time in winter.”
He said, “There’s a tradition with the Tri-Lakes Alliance: If you come up with the idea, your friends and peers will look to help make it happen.” Thus, be became co-chair, with fellow Alliance member Cindy Mead as co-chair.
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