Monday, February 24, 2025

BREAKING: Split as GF Council votes tonight on $1.2-million TD Bank land buy

Mayor Bill Collins wants the Glens Falls Common Council to vote tonight to approve spending $1.2-million to buy the former TD Banknorth property next to the Queensbury Hotel and across Maple Street from City Park and Crandall Public Library.

The meeting at City Hall starts at 7:30 p.m.

Some council members said they were surprised at the sudden introduction on Friday of the resolution.

The Mayor insists to The Chronicle that he asked the council members in July for their permission to pursue the purchase.

He said, “Every Council Member…they all understood what I was doing and asking their permission to do. So it’s funny that they would say that (they were surprised).”

Ward 3 Council Member Diana Palmer, contacted by The Chronicle for comment, said, “In July, while I was out of town, the Mayor called to inform me that he was considering purchasing the TD Bank Property…he has never mentioned it once since then to me, so I was surprised to see it on our agenda months later having had no further discussions and not having been provided any further information.”

Ms. Palmer said her feedback in July was, “if the purchase proceeded, we should ensure the intention is not to keep all six parcels as a tax exempt parking lot, but to sell for redevelopment, possibly residential or mixed use.”

Ms. Palmer said, “I also stressed the importance of securing an independent appraisal to justify the expense and the need for a clear commitment from the library regarding a financial contribution.”

Mayor Collins told The Chronicle that Crandall Library Director Kathy Naftaly approached him over a year ago regarding the lot where both the City and library have easements for 40 employees each to park there.

Mrs. Naftaly tells The Chronicle any details of the library’s possible involvement are yet to be completed.

She said, “The (Crandall) Board supports the library being involved in the project. We appreciate the City has included us in this discussion.”

The TD Bank property purchase according to the resolution is “to address the parking needs of the city and further economic development.”

The Mayor leaves open what the final project will be beyond securing 80 spaces for the City and library.

“We will make our money back on this property… we’ll turn this back over to private development. This will not be a burden on the tax payers,” The Mayor told Chronicle Tuesday.

Also on the docket, Item #10, would increase by more than $3.5-million the budgeted cost of the South & Elm Street Downtown Revitalization Initiative. The proposed resolution “approves an increase in the overall DRI budget from the original $11,370,000 to $14,928,333.”

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