Chronicle Perspectives

Dr. Slingerland named Deputy CEO of Hudson Headwaters

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

Hudson Headwaters Health Network named Dr. Tucker Slingerland as deputy Chief Executive Officer, a new position that Hudson Headwaters founder and CEO Dr. John Rugge says recognizes Dr. Slingerland’s expanding role leading the not-for-profit health network.

“I’m very excited to represent the network through our local and regional partnerships,” Dr. Slingerland told The Chronicle.

“It’s about building relationships, and to keep doing what I’m …

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Behind the scenes as painters ‘Battled’

Artists’ model for a day: Her stint at Hyde Face-Off event

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Sometimes working here at The Chronicle affords us unique opportunities.

Such was the case last week, when the Hyde Collection invited this writer to be one of two models for its second annual “Art Battle” — this year, a friendly paint-off between 12 regional portrait artists they dubbed a “Face Off.”

You can …

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Joyce in the jungle, Brazil

By Joyce Miller, Chronicle Freelance

Editor’s note: Joyce Miller, Distinguished Professor of Library Science at SUNY Adirondack, was a founding staff member of The Chronicle in 1980 and was our first Arts Editor, among many responsibilities here over many years. She’s an ardent bird-watcher. Earlier this summer she went to Brazil.

Imagine the sound of European emergency sirens — you know, “EEEE-OOOOO! EEEE-OOOOO!” Then envision it performed by a …

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LG Land Conservancy highlights land acquisitions, partnerships

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

In the past 12 months, the Lake George Land Conservancy protected 605 acres — 100 of wetlands, the rest shoreline, executive director Jamie Brown told the group’s annual meeting on July 22 at the Bolton Conservation Club.

“That’s the equivalent to the building of 60 houses, 60 garages, 60 driveways, all things that could impact the health of the lake,” Mr. Brown said.

“Protecting …

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‘School of Rock’ in LG & NYC only

See it here in Lake George, or on Broadway — and nowhere else. Youtheatre director Mickey Luce scored the only rights so far to perform the current Broadway musical School of Rock, based on the Jack Black movie. These kids will provide feedback as School of Rock prepares for licensing for community productions. See it on stage at Lake George High School, July 27 to 29.

Musical School of Rock!

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