Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Adirondack Extreme thwarted in Phase 1 try

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Adirondack Extreme Adventure Course in Bolton didn’t open for Memorial Day after all — “unfortunately,” says owner Jamie Johnson. The business planned to open as a Phase 1 low-risk outdoor recreation.

But Mr. Johnson said that someone’s anonymous call to the state Labor Department brought that plan to the attention of the Warren County Administrator Ryan Moore.

They are deemed an entertainment or recreational …

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Glens Falls Tae Kwon Do: Lockdown is killing our business

Dear Cathy,

Just wanted to update you on how our circumstances here at GFTKD have devolved since you first requested information for an article 6 weeks ago.

By now you’ve heard the “same storm, different boat” reference regarding the lockdown, and sadly our boat is sinking fast. We’ve lost tens of thousands in revenue.

It took us 31 years to reach a point where there was actually a profit to …

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Queensbury Hotel aims ‘to get rolling’

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

“We’re excited to get some things rolling,” says Tyler Herrick, general manager of the Queensbury Hotel in downtown Glens Falls and the new Fairfield Inn at Exit 18 in Queensbury, both owned by Ed Moore and his family.

“Our numbers have been horrible,” Mr. Herrick said without sounding an alarm. “We had 85 percent occupancy at this ime last year. If we get to …

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The Covid divide

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

You either get close to people when you’re out and about or you don’t. You either take coronavirus as a clear and present danger or you think the risk is exaggerated.

That’s my realization as I’m more out and about myself in recent weeks.

I’m one of those people who still takes coronavirus as a serious ongoing risk. Our family has been largely out of …

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Push quickens to reopen

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

Warren County Administrator Ryan Moore issued a very upbeat assessment Tuesday night about progress being made toward meeting New York State’s criteria to start reopening businesses.

“As of tonight,” Mr. Moore wrote,” Warren County now meets all seven criteria on our own steam.

“This does not mean we can begin our phased re-opening yet.

“We can do so when the Capital Region as a whole …

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