Sunday, September 1, 2024

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Tight, edgy ‘Sequence’ by Adk. Theatre Fest, to July 27

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Some stories roll themselves out, maybe like a rug, over the course of the telling.

‘Sequence’ continues to July 27 at the Adirondack Theatre Festival.

Arun Lakra’s play Sequence turns in on itself in two subtly tightening tales that we might imagine as two circling tigers who could eventually eat their own tails.

Or, as Mr. Lakra said in a pre-show interview with The Chronicle, consider the form of the play as a double …

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Bob Blais: New push for year-round performing arts center in Lake George

Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Mayor Bob Blais has launched a new effort to create a year-round performing arts center in Lake George Village.

He said the most promising spaces now are the Towers Hall carriage house on the Fort William Henry property, and the Lake George Forum.

“Both have plusses and minuses,” Mr. Blais said. “The carriage house has a great location and it’s suitable to be covered …

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DEC: Don’t leave trailered boats in parking lot at Lake George’s Million Dollar Beach boat launch

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

The state is cracking down on people leaving boats on trailers in the parking lot of the boat launch at Lake George’s Million Dollar Beach.

“Some boaters had been arriving in the morning, leaving their trailers and boat in the parking area, then returning later in the day to actually launch the boat,” confirmed a Department of Environmental Conservation spokesman in response to a …

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Lake George winning vs. milfoil

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

Eurasian watermilfoil is here to stay in Lake George, but ramped-up eradication efforts appear to be slowing the spread of the fast-growing invasive.

“There is definitely reason for hope,” says Dave Wick, executive director of the Lake George Park Commission, which coordinates the annual milfoil management program.

“The goal is to eliminate all dense beds by 2022,” Mr. Wick said. “Bay by bay,…great progress …

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Smaller lake fight milfoil, too; ‘we’re on it like a dog on a bone’

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

Cossayuna, Glen, Brant & Schroon updates

Milfoil is a region-wide problem. Eradication efforts continue in many local lakes. The Chronicle reached officials at four of them.

On Cossayuna Lake in the Washington County Towns of Argyle and Greenwich, “it’s a continuous battle with milfoil,” says Sheila Rappazzo, the herbicide chair of the Cossayuna Lake Improvement Association.

“We have made tremendous progress, but there’s always …

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