Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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Morgan’s got the mojo

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

Morgan & Co. hit the ground running when it opened last fall and it hasn’t missed a beat since. Even the brutal winter that dictated indoor evenings for all but the hardiest seemed not to slow Morgan down.

Not only is it busy all the time, it’s got buzz. At the Adirondack Theatre Festival Winter Benefit in January, when a gift certificate for Morgan & …

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Took Qby family elevator business national

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

“The whole Darnley family all come from elevators,” says Lorrie Crannell, the Queensbury-based Finance Manager for Nationwide Lifts.

The late Andrew “Bud” Darnley, Sr., started Atlas Ele-vators in Buffalo in 1974. His five sons and one daughter all worked for Atlas. Otis Elevator bought it in 2002.

Andrew Darnley, Jr., started Barrier Free Elevators in Glens Falls in 1993. The company still operates. Mr. Darnley …

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Peckham vies to grow medical marijuana in Chestertown

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

A subsidiary of construction company Peckham Industries wants to grow medical marijuana at Peckham’s 17-acre industrial park on Route 9 in Chestertown.

Hillary Peckham, a 23-year-old Hamilton College graduate and the daughter of company CEO John Peckham, and her mother Amy and sister Keeley are the applicants, through a Peckham Industries subsidiary, Etain, LLC.

They are among dozens of companies vying for five state …

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Finch CEO opens up

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

For the first year-and-a-half that he headed Glens Falls’s Finch Paper, India-born Debabrata (Deba) Mukherjee, Ph. D., steered clear of the media.

This week he opened up — meeting separately with several newspapers. The Chronicle’s turn came on Monday at 11 a.m.

“What have I been doing the last 18 months? We have done what Finch has never done before. We added a huge number …

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Heroin epidemic & how to address it

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

A plague, a disease, an epidemic — this is how heroin addiction was variously described by the seven members of a community panel last Thursday evening, Jan. 29, in the SUNY Adirondack theater.

The program, put together by Warren County District Attorney Kate Hogan and Council for Prevention’s Amanda West, was presented by the Hometowns vs. Heroin and Addiction Coalition.

“What we are all …

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