Thursday, March 13, 2025

Cathy: Fond recall of Gilbert Gottfried playing Glens Falls

Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Sad news, that comedian and actor Gilbert Gottfried died Tuesday at the age of 67 from complications due to muscular dystrophy, reports said.

Gilbert Gottfried — in Heritage Hall after his show at the then-Glens Falls Civic Center in 2015 — with Lisa Miner of Glens Falls. Chronicle photo/Cathy DeDe

Back in 2015, Mr. Gottfried did a show at Heritage Hall in the then-Glens Falls Civic Center that was so “blue” — and so equally hilarious — that I thought I might go to Hell just for being in the same room, or that my ears might bleed for a week after.

Moreover, the show came just after a group of local stalwarts had formed the Glens Falls Civic Center Foundation to help raise funds for the Center. I’m guessing many on the Foundation did not suspect what they were in for when they bought their tickets as a show of support for the arena.

Even more memorably, after Mr. Gottfried had assailed us with jokes that piled one offensive image onto another, he came into the audience to sign autographs. He was sweet as pie, even vulnerable, asking earnestly, “Did you like it?”

He returned a few years later to do a show at the Wood Theater — equally blue, equally generous, laughing and swapping stories with patrons afterwards at his autograph table.

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