Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Changing of the guard at GF schools: Jenkins, Corlew to retire

By Zander Frost, Chronicle Staff Writer

It’s a major changing of the guard in the Glens Falls School District. Superintendent Paul Jenkins and Athletic Director Arthur “Chip” Corlew both will retire at the end of the school year in June.

Mr. Jenkins told The Chronicle Tuesday, “This job is outstanding. I’ve been here for 13 years, and it’s the best job I’ve ever had.”

Superintendent Paul Jenkins

He said he contemplated retirement last year, then made the announcement in December. “I wanted to wait until after the capital project vote went through.”

Mr. Corlew has been Athletic Director for 18 years. “It’s bittersweet,” he said. “Glens Falls City School District has been very good to Chip Corlew. That’s for sure.”

Neither has concrete plans on their next moves.

Mr. Jenkins said, “I can’t go from 100 miles an hour to zero. So I’ll still work. I just haven’t pinpointed exactly what I’ll be doing.”

“There’s a bunch of possibilities,” Mr. Corlew said. “I’m going to enjoy this next few months…and then start looking at that next phase. But still got work to do here.”

Athletic Director Chip Corlew

Mr. Jenkins said his proudest achievements include capital projects on buildings and wireless capability; and “going one to one with our Chromebooks for students, K through 12…prior to the pandemic.”

Plus, moving the high school start time back from around 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

“That was based on research regarding adolescent sleep cycles, and knowing that they needed more sleep, because they go to sleep later at night.”

He said what makes him proudest “is that we’re able to continue to offer an exceptional educational program for our students year in and year out.”

Mr. Corlew said, “You can look at the [championship] banners, and those are all great, but when it comes down to it the day-to-day relationships that we make with kids and the staff, that’s my proudest.”

He said, “I have been blessed to work with a lot of great administrators and superintendents. Tom McGowan, who gave me my shot at this, and Paul Jenkins have been great mentors to me.

“You couldn’t do the stuff you want to do as an administrator…without the support of the Board of Education through the years,” he added.

Mr. Jenkins said of Mr. Corlew, “I don’t think anyone can say they’ve ever been to an event…that they haven’t seen Chip at.

“He spent countless hours here, dedicated his entire life to the student athletes of the district. And he’s done a great job. He’s one of the best athletic directors I’ve worked with in my 32 years.”

Mr. Jenkins said the pandemic years were his toughest. “It’s been drawn out for so long…Constant changes throughout the course of the two years that we’ve been going through this. I think that puts a lot of pressure and stress on students and families and staff.”

Mr. Corlew said, “This is one of those things that we’ll remember, and it will make us all better. Because we were able to meet it and get past it. We never wavered.”

Both men are excited at the thought of the soon to be lighted football field.

“That first game will be quite a spectacle, I’m sure,” said Mr. Corlew.

Mr. Jenkins joked, “I want to be the one to be able to come back and flip the switch for the first time.”

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