By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor
Glens Falls Civic Center manager Jeff Mead reports 900 people attended the Big Time Wrestling event on Friday night and the Civic Center made a profit of $8,000.
And he said that 900 attended the Royal Horses Gala dressage show on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 20, and the Civic Center realized “a little over $9,000.”
That’s net, Mr. Mead said, after expenses and including rental fees, the $3 per ticket Civic Center fee, and the Center’s share of concessions income.
The weekend marked the end of the Civic Center’s contract with Ovations food concessions. The Center will operate concessions in-house for upcoming events.
“We know that there’s a huge upside for that,” Mr. Mead said.
He said they’ll announce a general manager for food and beverage services on October 1, when the contract with Ovations is officially over.
Mr. Mead said the Civic Center has already sold 3,200 tickets for the Five-Finger Death Punch concert with Papa Roach on Friday, Oct. 9, “so, that’s good.”
Also on tap: Garden Brothers Circus on October 15, Special Olympics New York on October 16, and the Adirondack Thunder home opener on Saturday, Oct. 24.
Mr. Mead also touts the Center’s new Website. “Check it out. It’s good,” he says.

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