Monday, February 24, 2025

Common Roots temporary tap room, brewery approved in SGF

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

The owners of Common Roots Brewing Company will open a temporary brewing space and taproom at 30 Saratoga Avenue, just north of their burned-out site, after the South Glens Falls Planning Board approved the move Wednesday night.

Brewery owners Bert and Christian Weber have hired Hilltop Construction to remodel the space, adding handicap-accessible bathrooms and fire-safety components to the one-story building at the corner of Saratoga Ave. and Newton St.

Common Roots will use part of this building while their original site destroyed by fire is rebuilt.

Elizabeth Miller, who owns 30 Saratoga Ave., the former site of Wallace Supply, “approached us a couple of days after the fire and told us if we needed anything, she had a space,” Common Roots attorney Matt Fuller told the Planning Board.

It’s less than a quarter-mile north of the Common Roots building destroyed by fire on March 25.

Mr. Fuller said Common Roots has a smaller, portable brewing system designed by Fronhofer Design in Cossayuna “that will fit down there.”

They plan to brew the beer in the storage garage at the back of the property.

Mr. Fuller told the Planning Board the Webers expect to be at 30 Saratoga Ave. for “10-12 months” and plan to demolish their burned-out former site, along with the apartment building next door.

“We have made the tenants an offer to help them relocate, both financially and physically, and we started the design work [on the new building] yesterday,” he said. “We will be back in a month or two with a new design to show you.

“We now have the flexibility and will work with you right through the site plan process. We’ve come pretty far in a couple of weeks…and we’re looking forward to putting the open sign back on.”

Copyright © 2019 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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