Dana Hogan: Opt out for now on marijuana in Kingsbury; eye later referendum

By Zander Frost, Chronicle Staff Writer

“I’m leaning towards opting out only in the sense that I think it gives us more future flexibility,” Kingsbury Town Supervisor Dana Hogan told The Chronicle regarding the state marijuana opt-out deadline coming up on Dec. 31.

“If we don’t opt out by December 31, 2021, we no longer as a community have the option to opt out in the future,” Mr. Hogan said. “But you may opt out prior to 12/31, and then ultimately opt back in.”

He said the Kingsbury town board is looking to offer it up as a referendum to the community. Otherwise, “you’re essentially allowing five council members to make a decision that’s going to impact this community for the rest of days.”

“I would prefer to give us some time and flexibility to let the community weigh in on it,” Mr. Hogan said.

The New York State Office of Cannabis Management says “to opt-out of allowing adult-use cannabis retail dispensaries or on-site consumption licenses, a municipality must pass a local law by December 31, 2021…”

“Municipalities cannot opt-out of adult-use legalization,” the state office adds. Cannabis possession and use by adults over age 21 is legal in New York State.

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