Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Darren Tracy starts 5 Culvert St. renovation

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

Darren Tracy wasted no time getting started on saving and restoring the historic building at 5 Culvert Street, just off Warren Street in Glens Falls.

On Tuesday, Oct. 24, the Common Council agreed to sell him the Second Empire-style brick structure for $1. Three days later the sale was completed and Mr. Tracy and crew were at work on the site.

Darren Tracy at work.

He and his wife operate engineering and construction firms in Saratoga and have accomplished numerous historic rebuilds.

Mr. Tracy is keeping a blog of his progress and agreed to share it in weekly installments with The Chronicle.

Darren Tracy’s 5 Culvert blog

Dr. Ferguson’s Office Restoration Blog #1 10.29.17. THE FUN IS ABOUT TO BEGIN.

Restoration timeline:

10/6/17 – Learn of plans to possibly demolish 5 Culvert Street from Aarch (Adirondack Architectural Heritage) email.

10/10/17 – Contact Mayor Diamond asking if the demolition is a done deal, or if the City would entertain an offer to purchase. The mayor acknowledged that bids have been accepted to demolish the building but no contract has been awarded, stating the city would entertain an offer to sell instead of proceeding with demolition.

10/16/17 – My first impression was that this is a cute building but too far gone to save. After carefully looking at the structure a half dozen times, I decided we could pull this off and made a purchase offer to the city. The mayor requested I meet with the city council to discuss the project.

Building’s interior.

On 10/24/17, I met with the city council in a workshop format. Later that evening the council approved the sale.

On 10/27/17 at 9:00 AM, the transfer of title took place. At 9:30 AM, work commenced. The goal is to stabilize the roof before winter, so more of the roof does not collapse and blow out the walls. Two trees that were crowding the building in the front were cut. Some of the debris around the exterior of the building was placed in a dumpster. The roof structure was assessed.

Copyright © 2017 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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