Monday, February 24, 2025

Dog waste left in bags on the trail; Cathy: ‘What are people thinking?’

Chronicle managing editor Cathy DeDe writes: They call golf “a good walk ruined,” but how about the increasingly common experience of walking a trail that is literally lined with dog refuse — neatly packaged in the plastic bags often even provided at the trailhead — but then left by the side of the walk.

“Help me understand,” I asked via Facebook on Sunday, alongside 17 pictures I posted of “doggie bags” left along the 1.2-mile Halfway Brook trail in Queensbury.

Nearly 100 people responded, and 65 added comments.

Dave Van Scoy countered, “Pssh… so what? The bags are biodegradable.”

Most others shared my disgust.

“Been seeing this for quite some time now. Not just on trails, but on streets too. One has to ask why bother bagging it all?” asks Robert Mason.

“My sentiments exactly,” wrote Nels Crisler. “The green bags on the bridge have been there for over a month.

He adds, “You didn’t get the picture of the bag hanging on a tree branch.”

“Just did an engagement session there last week for a couple and saw all this!” wrote Holly Greene, a photographer (and former Chronicle ad designer). “Sad to see and makes my job harder. Let alone ruins the natural environment. I’d rather see it out of the bags, at least then it has a chance.”

“This happens in many places these days. It’s so awful. Maybe it’s time for some enforcement with trail cams,” wrote Barbara Coombs Conner.

“Gosh I’d rather have them not use anything, out of the way. This is a problem,” wrote Laurel Gerardi. “I honestly think some people only bag their dog’s waste when others are around to observe them. Then the moment they can ditch it out of sight of anyone they do,” suggests Pamela Welch.

Jan Davis offered her solution: “I have a waste holder that easily attaches to any leash. They only cost a few dollars and are great when I take my dogs on longer hikes.”

Copyright © 2021 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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