Monday, February 24, 2025

Ed Moore: Civic Center ‘getting $4.2-million from NY State’

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

Ed Moore, secretary of the Adirondack Civic Center Coalition, told the Glens Falls Rotary Club on July 23 that “we’re getting $4.2-million from the state, and I understand the governor wants to come up and announce that.”

Mr. Moore downplayed his comments in a subsequent Post-Star story, saying the money has only been applied for, but a knowledgeable source confirmed that state officials have told Coalition members the money is indeed coming.

“They want to replicate what Utica got,” the source said.

Utica received $5-million in state money in 2013, which helped the city land the Vancouver Canucks’ American Hockey League affiliate and 2015 AHL All-Star Game.

Mr. Moore also told the Rotary Club:

  • “We made $25,000 on the God-smack concert” on May 6, and recently tried to book Cole Swindell, but the country music star decided to pass.
  • “We would have pulled out if we hadn’t gotten the money from the county,” Mr. Moore said, referring to the $750,000 ($250,000 a year for three years) in bed tax money that Warren County pledged to promote Civic Center shows.
  • Proctors Theater CEO Philip Morris and Times Union Center general manager Bob Belber have both been up to meet with the Coalition board, and “they think we have a gem here.”
  • The new electronic sign to be erected in front of the Civic Center is “going to be digital and alive,” said Mr. Moore. “The images are perfect. It’s going to be amazing, and a great source of revenue.”
  • “You’ll see a concessions switch by September,” Mr. Moore said. The contract with Ovations expires in September. Mr. Moore said the Coalition is considering having local restaurants involved.

As we reported earlier this year, the Coalition receives 6% off the top of all concession sales, plus 10% of the net. That figure was $346,816 in 2012 and $373,844 in 2013.

Copyright © 2015 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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