Eric Unkauf’s Shirt Factory ‘Muralgarten’ sets 3-week ‘Mural-thon

Above: Muralthon poster — Promotiing the three-week, six-artist painting event in July and August. Spectators encouraged.
Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Eric Unkauf is preparing for the next stage of the Muralgarten attraction at his Shirt Factory Complex in Glens Falls.

Plans are underway now, pending Glens Falls Planning Board Approval, for a “Mural-thon,” from July 20 to August 10, with six artists painting murals on the sides of converted shipping containers placed around the Shirt Factory campus over the three-week period.

The artists are Anthony Richichi, Jade Warrick, Lexi Hannah, Rachel Henrich, Jenny Hutchinson and Rodney Bentley.

Sponsors include a new online platform called Glens Falls is the Future, “without whose support we could not have six artists,” Mr. Unkauf said.

Mr. Unkauf said work is about to begin on the 190 Maple Street mural that was previously approved by the City.

Mural concepts by Rodney Bentley and Jenny Hutcinson — For painted sections of shipping containers at the Shirt Factory.

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