Thursday, March 13, 2025

Ex-Mayor Jack Diamond criticizes Mayor Collins: Too many hires; wrong to fault Diana Palmer

Dear Editor,

Under three administrations (myself, Mayor Akins and Mayor Regan), there was no Communications Director.

We were still able to keep the public informed of what was with other duties, issued press releases and communicated with the public.

My administration worked very hard to bring the City out of financial distress, and part of that effort was the difficult process of eliminating some employees’ positions in the City.

I’m troubled by the current Mayor’s recent proposals to fund new full time employees — the Communications Director, Community Development Director, Recreation Director, GIS Mapper, Deputy Fire Chief, and Senior Account Clerk.

I think we need a full time Fire Chief, not a Deputy Fire Chief, who will follow the great leadership of Chief Schrammel.

Thankfully, not all of those positions have been approved by the Council.

I don’t want to see the City add more employees that will cost the City taxpayers, and may result in a future administration having to go through what I did — eliminating people’s jobs — in order to protect the City’s financial position.

I am glad that Councilperson Diana Palmer is asking questions and trying to curb the Mayor’s spending.

That’s the role of the Council, and she’s looking out for the best interests of the City and the taxpayers.

The Mayor was wrong to say that Dr. Palmer’s concerns are “silly” and “asinine.” His comments are offensive to say the least.

— Jack Diamond, Glens Falls Ward 1
Warren County Supervisor

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