Fall full of fundraising galas!

The cooling weather brings a string of major fund-raising events and galas. The list keeps growing. Any more out there? Send details: chronicle@loneoak.com.

Summer Gala of the Sembrich Museum in Bolton Landing is Saturday, Aug. 26, at 6 p.m. The “cantina-style evening,” outdoors in the lakeside performance tent, will feature rising opera star tenor Leonardo Sanchez, accompanied on guitar, guitarrón, vihuela and accordion. Theme: “Mi México Querido,” or “My Beloved Mexico.” Tix: $150, $250 for Honorary Committee. Details and last minute tix on the Sembrich’s website.

The Hyde Collection’s 60th anniversary gala is Saturday, Sept. 16, at 6 p.m. It celebrates trustee Mary Renz, “with gratitude for past and present trustees who embody Mrs. Hyde’s commitment to arts enrichment across our region.” Tix: $225, available through Sept. 1. Visit hydecollection.org for details, tickets, donation and sponsorship opportunities.

Chapman Historical Museum’s Membership Drive Luncheon is Sunday, Sept. 17, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Queensbury Hotel. Talk: Techniques in Early photography, by Richard Timberlake. Tix: $55, $330 table, advance only. See chapmanmuseum.org.

Lake George Region Women for Women in Need (WIN) Community Day, Sunday, Sept. 17, 1-5 p.m. at the newly renovated Fort William Henry Carriage House. Barbecue, kids’ games. Tix: $40, $15 children 4 to 10, free for ages 3-under, at fortwilliamhenry.com/community- day. Proceeds benefit local families.

The 3rd annual Sandy’s Clam Bar Reunion to benefit Operation Santa in memory of Pete Brock is Friday, Sept. 22, in Heritage Hall at the Cool Insuring Arena. Doors open at 4 p.m., event begins at 4:30. 21+ event. Local bands, bar and food available. Tix: $20, on sale now, in person, during Arena box office hours. $5 per ticket benefits Operation Santa. Details on the Arena Facebook page.

Crandall Public Library’s ‘Treasures of the Community’ Dinner, also known as the Henry & Betsy Crandall
Award Dinner, is Friday, Sept. 29
, at 6 p.m. at the Queensbury Hotel, honoring Dr. Jacquiline Touba, Founding Executive Director of the World Awareness Children’s Museum. Tix: $125. Hors d’oeuvres and a three-course dinner. For tix, to join the honorary committee, to sponsor, or donate, visit crandalllibrary.org.

WAIT House’s 20th Anniversary Gala is Saturday, Sept. 30, at 6 p.m. at Bayside Resort (formerly Dunham’s Bay) on Lake George. Four-course farm-totable meal, cash bar, silent auction, “and other surprises.” Music by Cyndie Wade. Details, RSVP and sponsor info: hycwaithouse.org/events or call 879-6233.

Adirondack Folk School’s Heart of the Arts Gala is Saturday, Sept. 30, The Hitching Post Tavern, Lake Luzerne. 5:30p.m. Hors d’oeuvres, silent auction. 7 p.m. Dinner & Patron of the Arts Presentation. Dinner choices: Prime Rib, Salmon, Vegetarian, with dessert and cash bar. $75 for members, $100 for ‘Not Yet’ Members. RSVP by Sept. 23, 518-696-2100.

Charles R. Wood Theater hosts its Fall “Friend-raiser” Saturday, Oct. 7. “Nashville” theme with appropriate food, drinks and entertainment. Guest of Honor is Kevin Richards, country music promoter, DJ and line dance leader. The event will debut a “Glens Falls Music Hall Of Fame,” billed as “a temporary exhibit with a permanent honor” for locals who have made a significant impact in music both here and beyond, said info. Nominations are being accepted now. Event details, and Hall of Fame submissions at woodtheater.org.

Tri-County United Way’s 100th Year Gala is Thursday, Oct. 19, at the Queensbury Hotel. Cocktails & cash bar at 5:30, 3-course dinner and program at 6:30. Live entertaiment, cocktails, silent auction, more. Info: Ljenswn@tricountyunitedway.org, or 793-3136 ext 102. RSVP online at tricountyunitedway.org by September 19.

Glens Falls Hospital Foundation’s Savor, Culinary Benefit, is Thursday, Oct. 12, 5:30 p.m. at the Inn at Erlowest. Cost: $225, $174 Junior (under 40). Details, RSVP and sponsorships via the Glens Falls Hospital Foundation page at GlensFallsHospital.org. Click on “Events.”

World Awareness Children’s Museum’ new ‘Venetian Masquerade’ Cocktail Party fall fund-raiser is Saturday, Oct. 21, at the Courtyard Marriott Lake George. Hors d’oeuvres, desserts, full cash bar. Guests encouraged to dress up. Early-bird tickets $85, now through Sept. 30. Online: wacm.ticketleap.com. Sponsorship opportunities, call 793-2773 or visit worldchildrensmuseum.org.

The Chapman Museum’s Wine and Chocolate Tasting fund-raiser is Friday, Nov. 10, 5:30-8 p.m. at the Queensbury Hotel. The “Finer Experience” Wine & Food Pairing Dinner with food prepared by SUNY Adirondack Culinary Students is Thursday, Nov. 9, at Seasoned, the college program’s downtown restaurant. See chapmanmuseum.org.

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