By Zander Frost, Chronicle Staff Writer
[Farmacy] owners Aj and Christina Richards have renovated the restaurant, fulfilling a plan they’ve had since it opened in April 2019.
“We wanted to do some things when we first opened,” Chef Richards said.
“We just had to get the doors open. And then we’re like, alright, this needs to change, this needs to change. And then COVID happens.”
He said guests have described the space’s new deep-blue vibe as “moody.”
What’s redone? “Whole new bar tops, new chef counter seating. We fixed up the tilework and we got a new threshold,” he said. The entryway was redone, too.
The entire restaurant was repainted, plus “we got a whole new back bar with lights and new kind of ornamental display on the tap system,” he said.

Also improvements for their staff, like new sinks, shelves, and dish pit.
“For the bartenders specifically, it’s more functional” Chef Richards said.
“As much as it is for the guests, it’s also for the chefs and the bartenders and the service staff.”
There’s still more to come, like new banquettes lining the restaurant, with “little front and back pads to make it a little bit better on the guests,” he said.
“I think a restaurant should go through not necessarily a change, but a facelift every like three to five years,” he said.
The work was done by Kevin Tucker, the Honey-Do Man, who they approached “probably like 6 months ago,” Chef Richards said.
They closed from September 12 to 18.
“Kevin and his crew came in like a wrecking crew did everything in like four days,” Chef Richards said.
He said he was still at the restaurant every day during the break, but he and Chef Colin Miner “had a day” in New York City.
“We went to two restaurants that we were talking about. Since our weekend’s like Sunday, Monday, not many restaurants are open…so we snuck out on a Wednesday. We were down and back, it was a quick trip,” he said.
Chef Richards said overall business “is going great…we got a lot of layover weddings from like, COVID to two years ago.”
Plus, “we’re still going into people’s houses and doing the private chef gig.”
What’s next? “Farmacy…is just going to continuously put its head down and just crush away and just have fun with what we’re doing,” Chef Richards concluded.
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