Finders Keepers consignment opening 2nd shop, in outlets

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Kyleen Wade is opening a second location of her Finders Keepers Glens Falls consignment shop on the “Million Dollar Half-Mile” in the Adirondack Outlet Mall.

Kyleen Wade in her downtown Finders Keepers store. Cathy DeDe photo

She’s planning a soft opening this weekend.

Ms. Wade said Laura Kohls, daughter of mall owner Dave Kenny, approached her in mid-December about opening a second location at their building.

“They’re very trendy. They pay attention to customer feedback and trends,” said Ms. Wade. “Recycling and re-use are very big now. Plus, she shops here.”

“Everything is ready,” Ms. Wade tells The Chronicle. “The racks are full, the shelves are full. I have my credit card machine, security. It’s just about me being ready to open the door.”

Finders Keepers will take a retail space next to the Famous Footwear Outlet, kitty-corner and across from the now-closed Dress Barn store.

“I’m the last one on the right before you turn for Eddie Bauer and LL Bean,” she said. “I bought the racks from Dress Barn and just rolled them down the hall.”

“They made it very easy,” Ms. Wade says of Ms. Kohls and Mr. Kenny, including offering her a rental agreement that worked.

“They provided the opportunity and all I had to do was say yes.”

She said that based on expected clientele she will stock higher-end items, designer labels she most typically sells on eBay.

“I’ll be offering my Louis Vuittons, my Pradas. My special stuff will go up there, things that are a little more expensive. I think they will do better in that market. People are already there to spend money on designer stuff.”

As to putting a consignment shop in a retail mall, she said, “The quality will speak for itself.”

“I’ve spent some time there on the weekends just watching the people,” Ms. Wade said. “There’s so much more traffic there.

“My one customer here (in downtown Glens Falls) is 25 people there.”

She said, “I’ve started doing more closet cleanouts, liquidations and estate sales. I’ll also be offering furniture, household accessories like lamps and mirrors, not dressers or kitchen tables — things to accessorize a room.”

Her original Finders Keepers had several downtown homes before settling in to the former C.V. Peters storefront in mid-Glen Street.

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