Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Developer Brian Bronzino, who owns the former blacksmith shop building at the base of Glen Street hill, was on Tuesday’s Glens Falls Planning Board agenda, seeking approval to conduct retail sales of marijuana at the historic structure.

The item was tabled “at the request of the City, with concurrence of the applicant,” Planning Board chairman Dan Bruno announced.
“This is a new thing,” he said. “The City is still reviewing that. The City sent a letter to the applicant to give the City more time to formulate an approach.”
Mr. Bronzino is business partner with Robin Barkenhagen, whose 42° shop is located on Glen Street in the Colvin Building that Mr. Bronzino also owns.
Two years ago, anticipating legalization, they registered with the county the names “Cannabis Cafe” and “Glens Falls Cannabis,” Mr. Barkenhagen told The Chronicle.
42° sells glass pipes, CBD products incorporating non-psychogenic cannabis oils, and other related products.
Mr. Bronzino seeks approval for retail sales at the former blacksmith building, listing “New York State adult-use retail dispensary license” as a required permit.
Mr. Bronzino, in his mid-20’s, arrived from Brooklyn in recent years and in 2019 started a spending spree of some $2-million buying buildings in Glens Falls, most notably the five-story Colvin Building downtown at 206 Glen, for $945,000.
He paid $165,000 last year for the landmark Calvin Robbins blacksmith shop at 56 Glen that dates to 1830 to 1835.
The Chronicle has repeatedly sought to interview Mr. Bronzino, without success.
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