Wednesday, March 12, 2025

GF says ‘workable’ agreement proposed for Lt. Holl retirement

The city of Glens Falls said it is nearing an agreement with the Firefighter’s Union that would help Firefighter Doug Holl “reach retirement.”

Lt. Holl has early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Colleagues and family were hoping firefighters’ donated hours would get him to full retirement benefits. Union president PJ Callahan had told The Chronicle Mr. Holl stopped working when diagnosed about a year ago.

He used his own accrued time and as much sick and other time donated by his colleagues as is allowed by contract to get through the year. That time will run out in a couple of weeks, Mr. Callahan said, while Mr. Holl is still 18 months from the 20-year mark to receive full pension and benefits.

A city release said that the Firefighter’s Union (IAFF) “Union returned with a proposal that appears to have overcome the remaining barriers to a workable agreement to help Lt. Holl reach retirement.”

“The next steps are the final legal review of the proposal and presentation to the Common Council,” the release said. “This meeting and discussion mark the latest steps in what has been a series of contacts that started more than one year ago.”

Glens Falls Mayor Bill Collins was quoted, “While I cannot discuss the specific details of today’s meeting. I am informed that both the union and the committee are confident in the understanding they have reached.”

“It has been a long and difficult process to get to this point and we appreciate the diligence of the union leadership and of all the firefighters who donated their time to allow this to happen,” he added.

Councilman Bob Landry, Chairman of the Mayor’s Personnel and Labor Management Committee was quoted, “We look forward to presenting an agreement to the full Common Council at next week’s meeting and to the successful legal and equitable resolution of this issue.”

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