Wednesday, March 12, 2025

GFSD: 26% of students missed 18+ days in 2022-23, 400+ ‘chronically absent;’ to hold Community workshop 12/4

Citing 400+ “chronically absent” students, Glens Falls City School District announced that it will hold a “a community workshop to break down barriers to K-12 student attendance and success.”

The District said “Chronic absenteeism has more than doubled nationwide and Glens Falls has not been immune to this trend. In the 2022-23 school year, 26% of GFSD’s 1,882 students missed more than 18 days of school.”

“While this ratio aligns with the current national trend, our entire school community must take action for our 400+ young people currently classified as chronically absent.  Like any symptom, this calls on us to dig deeper to diagnose the root causes of absenteeism and intervene,” the District’s release said.

The workshop, “in partnership with the American Association of University Women,” is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 4 from 3-5 p.m. at Crandall Public Library, Christine McDonald Community Room in Glens Falls.

The release added, “Chronic absence, no matter its cause, has real life consequences for students, families and society as a whole.  Chronically absent students miss valuable academic, social, and emotional skills they need to thrive. In addition, unplanned absences can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch up.

“The good news is that research has shown that when school districts commit to focusing on attending and partnering with their local community, real improvements can be achieved.

The District said, “The goal of this event is to bring increased awareness to current needs, and all of the resources and supports that exist in our community. A planned poster board activity will allow the group to match needs to resources, while also identifying any lagging gaps that exist. Parents, faculty, staff, business leaders, and community members are all invited to participate.


2:45 p.m. – Check in and poster completion

3:00 p.m. – Welcome & Presentation of Current Data – Connie Bosse, AAUW and Kristy Moore, GFCSD

3:30 p.m. –  Learning Walk Activity  – Time will be dedicated for all participants (including organization/agencies, elected officials, school administrators, board of education members, parents, students and community members) to mix and mingle, reviewing the posters and making any notes/comments to help match needs to resources

4:30 p.m. – Closure and plans for next steps

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