Thursday, March 13, 2025

Glens Falls mayor hopes Bonacio will break ground by summer, still hunts financing

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Glens Falls Mayor Bill Collins told The Chronicle the start of construction has been delayed on Phase One of Sonny Bonacio’s South and Elm Street project as the Saratoga developer negotiates loans and other funding, especially given changing interest rates.

The Mayor said he hopes Mr. Bonacio will be able to begin by the summer. Phase One includes renovation of the former Hot Shots, Incubator and Sandy’s Clam Bar buildings as retail, mixed business use and apartments.

Meanwhile, the City’s Planning Board has now approved plans for the Market Center portion of the South Street plan.

Glens Falls is developing Market Center itself, on the former OTB and Juicin’ Jar properties, using part of its $10-million Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) grant in 2016 from New York State.

“The next thing is, now we put it out to bid,” Mayor Collins said. “We’re hoping to get it out within the next three weeks, and then there has to be time for bids to come in.”

Shaped like a birch leaf, the semi-open-air market will accommodate community events, festivals and its touted anchor, the Glens Falls Farmers’ Market.

The plan initially faced pushback from the Farmers’ Market for size and parking issues, but Mayor Collins said there were no objections at the most recent meeting.

“Once I told (Farmers’ Market supporters) we will do what we can to accommodate, but we can’t make it just about them and still justified it, I think we were good. There were questions and I answered to the best of our ability.”

Mayor Collins praises Empire State Development Corporation. Some feared the state agency would be “breathing down our necks” to complete these projects, but “the state understands that it takes time, especially with interest rates now.”

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