Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Glens Falls: Rein in the dogs

By Gordon Woodworth, Chronicle News Editor

Responding to “more than three but fewer than a dozen” complaints about dogs running off-leash in Cole’s Woods, the City of Glens Falls is looking at adding more signs and possibly actively enforcing the leash law on the trails.

“A lot of people let their dogs run free even though they are required to keep their dog on a six-foot non-retractable leash,” said Mike Mender, the City’s interim recreation superintendent, at the March 27th Recreation Commission meeting.

“And the other issue is they don’t clean up after their dogs. There are people passionate on both sides of the issue,” he said.

The Recreation Commission discussed the issue but didn’t make any decisions because there was not a quorum present.

Mr. Mender did say, “We’re not going to send in the police. That would be a logistical nightmare, not to mention a public relations nightmare. We are in the process of reviewing our signage.”

Mayor: I’ll talk to police chief

Mayor Dan Hall, who attended the meeting, said, “The problem is enforcement.”

He said he would discuss the issue with Police Chief Tony Lydon.

Mr. Mender said, “Hopefully with more signage and media attention, we will reduce the problem.”

He forwarded one of the complaints.

A resident e-mailed: “I am an avid walker in Cole’s Woods and have been for the past 25 years or so. I was wondering now that the official dog-walking time is nearing if you could possibly have more visible signs up on the trails that say the dogs must be leashed and that dog owners must pick up after their dogs.

“I realize that they are in the woods and all, but many times the dogs use the trail to go to the bathroom and the owner does nothing about it.

“As for the leashing of their pets, I realize that most people feel that their dog is very friendly; however if I am walking my grand-dog, whom I leash, obviously, and another unleashed dog approaches us, my dog goes into a frenzy trying to protect me…and it is very dangerous!

“I have also had a coat torn and thereby ruined when, walking by myself, a dog, out of excitement, I’m sure, jumped all over me. The owner simply said, ‘he’s very friendly.’

“We need more signs that maybe give a phone number where we can call and report abuse of the law. Maybe that will help deter some of the abuse. In advance, I thank you. I’m so looking forward to spring and getting back in the woods!”

Copyright © 2019 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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