Sunday, February 23, 2025

Jim Fuchs’ dramatic LG ‘ice out’ video rules Internet

Chronicle managing editor Cathy DeDe writes: Jim Fuchs garnered more than 406,000 views, 6,700 “shares” and nearly 800 “likes” with his video taken of ice seemingly crumbling into shards on Lake George on Wednesday, April 3.

Dr. Fuchs said he recorded the video — headlined, “The ice starting to go out today on Lake George” — from the dock at his house in Pilot Knob.

It happens every spring,” he told The Chronicle, “with varying degrees of intensity, power and location….depending on wind speed, direction, temperature, condition of ice.”

Ice going out on Lake George — Dr. Jim Fuchs took an impressive video that garnered more than 400,000 views on Facebook. Image/Facebook Screenshot

Dr. Fuchs said, “It will typically occur off and on over several days to maybe a week. I have other videos taken since then, but none as impressive. I took even better videos 35 years ago, but can’t seem to locate them. Oh well.”

The Chronicle Facebook page has a link to the video. If you Google “jim fuchs lake george ice video,” the Chronicle link was the second search result that came up when we checked it Tuesday morning.

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