Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 3 fireworks at Crandall Park; not East Field

By Mark Frost, Chronicle Editor

No, there won’t be dueling fireworks on July 3 in Glens Falls. Yes, the show will go on as planned in Crandall Park as climax of the Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra Pops Concert. But, no, the promoted July 3 fireworks at East Field with the Glens Falls Dragons baseball game won’t happen.

Mayor Bill Collins told The Chronicle Wednesday afternoon, “The city never received an event application…and didn’t know it was planned until last Thursday when the fireworks provider sent an application for a fireworks license…We can’t approve a fireworks app without an event plan that would need to be reviewed months in advance by the Board of Public Safety…we…realized that the Crandall Park celebration has been planned and approved for the same night. The city could not cover 2 events at the same time and provide adequate public safety for the community.”

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