Kaitlyn Hobbs, GF Class of ’07: Major job with President Biden

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Glens Falls native Kaitlyn Hobbs Demers has been appointed Special Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff for the Office of Legislative Affairs for the incoming administration of President Joe Biden.

“I’m incredibly humbled by this opportunity and look forward to returning to public service and working with the legislative affairs team on the urgent crises facing our nation, such as COVID-19, economic recovery, climate change, and racial justice,” Kaitlyn responded to Chronicle questions via e-mail relayed through press assistant Rachel Palermo.

“President-elect Biden has built a diverse and accomplished team of individuals, and I’m looking forward to working alongside them,” Kaitlyn said.

The Chronicle asked, “Is there anything specific to your growing up and education in Glens Falls that you can point to as particularly relevant to your work now, that got you on this path or serves you in your current career?”

Kaitlyn responded, “Glens Falls was an amazing place to grow up. I don’t think I would be in the position I am without the amazing education and support I received at Glens Falls High School. Being from a small town in upstate New York and coming from such a supportive community continues to shape how I view the world.”

The Chronicle asked, “What advice do you have for someone in northern New York who aspires to a top government career in Washington, D.C.”

Kaitlyn replied, “For those in Glens Falls who are interested in pursuing a path in public service, the best advice is to continue striving for opportunities while working hard. There are so many opportunities in local government to get started, especially for people still in high school or college. If you don’t see a position you are interested in (whether that is an internship or full time position) reach out to the organization and advocate for yourself.”

Kaitlyn graduated from Lycoming College in Williamsport, Pennsylvania and George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C. She practiced law in the Washington firm of Covington & Burling, which noted that she previously served as associate counsel to Vice-President Biden during the Obama administration.

Kaitlyn attended Big Cross Elementary School and graduated from Glens Falls High School in 2007. She is the daughter of Carol Goodsell-Hobbs and Glens Falls City Court Judge Gary Hobbs.

Copyright © 2021 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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