Kevin Geraghty: Warren County should consider 8% sales tax

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Following the May 9 Chronicle report that Washington County is considering raising its sales tax by one percent, we reached out for Warren County’s thoughts.

Washington County supervisors expressed hope that Warren and Saratoga Counties would join it in pursuing a 1% county sales tax increase that would raise the total sales tax from 7% to 8%.

“Obviously, being one of the only three counties in the state that have lower than an 8 percent sales tax…I think it’s time that we at least look at it,” Kevin Geraghty of Warrensburg, Chair of the County Board of Supervisors, told The Chronicle.

“Every time we turn around, it’s a million dollars for this, a million for that,” Mr. Geraghty says. “Every time you have a culvert wash out, it’s a million dollars. That’s getting tougher and tougher.

“So, it’s something we’ve really got to study. If we can build consensus, I think you’ll see us move ahead. When the numbers come out, I think the revenue would be pretty decent.”

“The sales tax [revenue] is good here in Warren County” — up about 1.5 percent this year, Mr. Geraghty said. “It does pay for a lot of the budget. Of course, you’re gonna have some people, some who operate businesses here, say that you could potentially hurt their business.”

Mr. Geraghty said, “We had just a real preliminary meeting” with Washington County. “We’d need to gather our own data first, so everyone can look at the pros and cons.”

“We’ll take it to committee first, and have discussion on it” — likely starting with the Legislative and Rules Committee, he said. “If they approve, then we’ll move forward,” possibly through other committees before a resolution would go before the full board. Mr. Geraghty said the discussion won’t get to committee before “the end of the summer.”

If enacted by the County, any increase in sales tax must be approved by the State Legislature. “So we probably wouldn’t see this happen until the following year,” Mr. Geraghty said.

Currently only four counties in the state — Washington, Warren, Saratoga and Ontario — have sales tax rates under 8%. The rate is 7% in Washington, Warren and Saratoga counties.

In Ontario it’s 7.5%, but Washington County told The Chronicle Ontario is currently raising its rate to 8%.

The tax is comprised of a 4% state sales tax and whatever the local municipality puts on top of that. It’s 3% in Warren, Washington and Saratoga Counties.

Warren County gets $77-million from property tax, $73-million, sales tax

With a possible local sales tax increase being eyed, The Chronicle requested some basic numbers from Warren County. They are for 2023, unless otherwise noted.

• Population: 65,737, per the 2024 Official Warren County Directory
• Total assessed property value: $13.5 billion — $13,579,821,375 at full value
• Property tax receipts: $76,894,245
• Sales tax receipts: $72,937,906.90
• Occupancy tax receipts: $7,719,991.75

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