Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Lake George plans a busy summer: Thursday fireworks, more

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

Lake George Mayor Bob Blais said he anticipates a nearly full roster of events this summer, after events were cancelled or greatly scaled back last year by Covid.

“We are putting together everything we have done in the past, including fireworks, in hopes we will be able to do them. Based on what we have heard about the Covid and vaccines, we are cautiously optimistic. If you can believe what the doctors are saying, we’re hoping by July to be able to have large gatherings, with masks.”

Mr. Blais expects the Festival Commons at Charles R. Wood Park will be busy. “I’m finding there is more interest in the Festival Commons than there’s ever been,” with several new events anticipated.

On the schedule (all Covid-dependent):

  • Adirondack Wine and Food Festival (June 26-27).
  • Adirondack Independence music festival (Sept. 3-5), produced by Dave Eh-mann. Mr. Blais said Mr. Ehmann is also planning other possible music festivals.
  • Adirondack Nationals Car Show (Sept. 9-12)
  • Americade Motorcycle Rally (dates shifted from June to September 21-25)
  • Shriner’s Circus returns, dates to be announced
  • A new barbecue festival (also TBA).
  • The Village plans free entertainment in the Shepard Park amphitheater.

    “We cut out Sunday and Monday night free shows to cut costs,” Mayor Blais said, “but we will continue with music on Tuesdays, Wednesday concerts by the Lake George Arts Project, the Fridays@The Lake series, and of course the Thursday fireworks.”

    Mr. Blais calls it “the most important thing” that draws visitors to the Village.

    He said he is seeking funding from outside sources, Warren County and business sponsors, combined. “The fireworks cost about $60,000, about $5,250 per show,” he said. “If we can cut that in half (with County funding) we might be successful in raising the rest privately.”

    Copyright © 2021 Lone Oak Publishing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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