Lake George School Board – 3 candidates vie for 2 seats; vote is May 16

Jeannine Bieber

I’m Jeannine Bieber and I’m running for a second term on the Lake George School Board.

It is a privilege to run again so that I can continue to support transparent decision making and communication in order to set an example for our students of what fair, responsible, open discourse and governance look like — and that, YES, it can exist!

I look forward to continuing work as Chairperson of the Buildings and Grounds committee and Policy committee member.

welcome the opportunity to continue applying what I’ve learned in order to support Lake George School’s mission, vision and values.

Linda Clark

In 2022, BOE members, approved policy #7552 giving the district power to decide “when” or “if” it is “appropriate” to notify parents if a child expresses gender confusion at school.

Parents have the Constitutional and God given right to make choices for their children, raise them with their values, morals, and religious convictions.

To do this, they must be fully informed by the schools they entrust. Keeping secrets with children to hide information from parents is abhorrent!

I look forward to working at the BOE level to protect children, educational integrity, and parental rights.

Go to for more information.

Rosemarie Earl

I have spent 28 years as a school counselor, advocating and collaborating with students, parents and educators in this district.

For this reason and also my involvement in the community, I consider myself a valuable member of the BOE in LG.

I have a unique perspective on issues and offer that to the board team. My wish is to make our school the best it can be and welcoming to all people.
I will work hard to manage district resources, promote academic excellence and support the students with thoughtful continuance of our district’s mission, vision and values.

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