Many fewer jets than expected came to airport during Belmont; not like eclipse

By Ben Westcott, Chronicle Staff Writer

The Belmont was a bust for Warren County Floyd Bennett Airport.

Airport Manager Robin Mapp said that over a six-day period they only had five aircraft arrive, when somewhere between 20 and 30 were projected.

“It was way, way below what we were expecting,” Mr. Mapp said. Explaining the reason, he said, “We got multiple reports from pilots stating that they were unable to either access or confirm their reservation with the FAA Special Traffic Management Program reservation system, so we were unable to meet anywhere near our expected traffic numbers.”

Mr. Mapp said, “They still have not confirmed what the problem was on their end.” He said the airport’s reduced revenue was “significant,” but that he has yet to get a complete estimate of the amount.

Warren County Public Works Superintendent Kevin Hajos noted, “We had more [airplanes] for the solar eclipse than we did for Belmont.”

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