Marathon Dance student chairs, on bringing it back to school

Chronicle Managing Editor Cathy DeDe writes: Here are thoughts from some of the nine student chairs as they chug toward the 46th annual South High Marathon Dance on March 3-4, shared via email exchanges with The Chronicle.

“This year’s 2023 SHMD is going to be awesome!,” Logan Mahoney said. “The whole SGF community has waited for the dance to return to the school and be able to witness the SHMD culture again in the gym at the school.”

2023 South High Marathon Dance Student Chairs — From left, front: Mary Fitzsimmons, Angelito Don Manegdeg. Standing: Logan Mahoney, Lucy Zimolka, Sophia Belden, Jillian Capozucca, Sydney Hart, Hazel Crossman, Brandin Luman. Photo by Tom Myott
Sydney Hart notes, “The senior class, 2023, is the last class to have experienced a traditional SHMD. The ability to be able to help lead and organize the dance this year, and gift the younger classes with the opportunity to be a part of something so fulfilling makes me beyond happy.

“Although I am grateful we had the ability to still have a Marathon Dance at the Great Escape the last couple of years, my freshman year Marathon Dance [at the school] left a mark on my heart and emotionally moved me. The fatigue of dancing for the 28 hours mixed with emotions brought by the closing ceremony is uncanny to anything I’ve ever endured in my life. I cannot wait for everyone else to experience that this year.”

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