Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mark: A little bit about the Jacob Houston show at Hyde

Chronicle editor Mark Frost writes: Time gets away from me, so I’m grabbing this moment and this available space to call your attention to “A Magical World: The Art of Jacob Houston,” at the Hyde Collection, now through June 23.

Jacob Houston, as we’ve written before, is a young painter in Greenwich, who has made waves here, in New York City and elsewhere, with what the Hyde describes as “his idyllic land- and cityscapes and detailed glimpses into everyday life. With bright colors and enamel-like scenes, he romanticizes the places he travels, re-creating the world as he sees it — full of joy, wonder, and beauty.”

Jacob said his newest painting, of Africa, is his favorite.

Hyde curator Jonathan Canning came upon Jacob’s work displayed in the garage of the Houston family home as Mr. Canning bicycled among stops on a Washington County artist studio tour.

Hurrah to Jonathan for getting out and about — and taking a new, local artist seriously and according him this showcase.

At the opening, the Hoopes Gallery was crowded — including lots of Washington County people, as Jonathan had hoped.

Hyde Collection curator Jonathan Canning (left) not only facilitated Jacob Houston’s show at the Hyde, he offered the artist a microphone at the opening reception. Chronicle photos/Mark Frost

The curator talked about the art — particularly emphasizing Jacob’s inclination to paint in aerial views.

He asked Jacob some questions — he’s not the most talkative interviewee — but in answer to a query about his favorite artists, Jacob replied, “Michelangelo, Andy Warhol and Norman Rockwell.”

Jacob said he started painting because “it just came naturally for fun.” He’s pursuing it with some dedication now.

View of the nearby Battenkill, a somewhat uncharacteristic Jacob Houston nature scene.
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