Matt Castelli at Lawrence Street Tavern, kicked off his effort to unseat Stefanik

By Zander Frost, Chronicle Staff Writer

Democrat Matt Castelli’s “official kickoff” for his campaign to unseat Congresswoman Elise Stefanik was Sunday at the Lawrence Street Tavern in Glens Falls.

Mr. Castelli, 40, told The Chronicle he is a former CIA agent who decided to run, “really in the aftermath of January 6,” the riot at the Capitol as Trump supporters challenged the election result.

“I got a call from my niece Hannah. She’s seven,” he told the crowd. “My sister had been watching the news of the attack unfolding at the Capitol that afternoon. And she became visibly upset.

“Hannah asked her what was wrong, and my sister responded by telling her that some bad people were hurting good people in Washington D.C. And without skipping a beat my sweet little niece filled with concern and asked, is Uncle Matt one of the good people getting hurt?

“So I got an impromptu call from Hannah to reassure her that I was fine, but we talked about how violence was never the right answer to address our differences.”

Mr. Castelli continued, “Good people did get hurt that day. Some died, including police officers. What happened on January 6 is not okay. And our kids were watching. Our kids are still watching. They’re watching to see how we protect them. Not just from violent extremism and crime in our communities, but protect them from the uncertainty of whether mom and dad are going to have a steady job to provide for their family.

“To protect them from a virus that has kept them out of school and taking the lives of people in their community, maybe even their family. Protect them from the insecurity of not knowing whether their family and their grandparents can access health care when they need it and afford that care when the bill comes due.

“Protect them from climate change and the existential threat it poses to their future. Our kids are anxious to know whether we are going to protect for them a future full of potential and opportunity here in the North Country, or if they will have to move away from their homes and their families to find that elsewhere.

“The 9/11 attacks inspired me to serve our country. But after January 6, I knew that we needed people to stand up for our country, for our communities, and for the next generation. That’s why I’m running for Congress.”

Mr. Castelli said, “We cannot trust Elise Stefanik to protect us. We cannot trust her to put the interests of this community or her country ahead of her own political interests and personal ambition.”

He said he can win in a district that Ms. Stefanik carried for the fourth time in 2020, by more than 17 points. “I’ve got the right profile and the background and my commitment to serving our country, putting country before party…”

“Looking at the infrastructure vote, that is something that got 90% backing of businesses in the North Country. Many Republicans…in the state of New York voted for it. And yet despite desperately needing it, she voted against it.”

Mr. Castelli was introduced by Glens Falls Ward 3 Supervisor Claudia Braymer. The Chronicle asked if she is supporting Mr. Castelli. “I told him I was not giving him an official endorsement. It’s my home turf so I’m happy to introduce him,” she said. “I think Matt is a strong candidate.”

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