Mayor: GF likely to opt in on pot, but not smoking it in public places

By Cathy DeDe, Chronicle Managing Editor

“Nothing formal” has been decided or even discussed yet, but “conversationally,” Glens Falls Mayor Dan Hall says he believes “we are not going to opt out” of the state’s plan for legalized marijuana.

“Just talking to the Common Council members and the general public, most people think we’d be crazy to opt out, so we will be going on that path, if possible,” he said.

The state has not yet set guidelines, developed a Marijuana Authority or even convened the commission or committee to set rules, the Mayor notes.

Developer Brian Bronzino and partner Robin Barkenhagen have brought to the City Planning Board preliminary plans to put a marijuana dispensary in the former blacksmith shop that Mr. Bronzino owns, at the base of the Glens Street hill.

The proposal was tabled in deference to the City coming up with its plans for legalized marijuana.

Mayor Hall says, “We anticipate, there will not be able to be dispensaries until at least the third quarter of next year, so it’s still premature. We don’t know how many or even if we will be eligible for licenses, when the state decides.”

He said, “Our concern to be honest is people smoking in public. We want to be sure the local law says there can’t be smoking in public places.”

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